Sunday, May 7, 2017

5 Things In Guardian's of the Galaxy Vol 2 That Will Damage Your Child

This weekend the sequel to The Guardians of the Galaxy movie premiered. I was at the the theater watching The Case For Christ, and noticed the long lines for the Vol. 2 movie. I decided to watch the movie after my christian movie finished.

I noticed that a lot of parents were bringing their children into the movie and figured that the movie must be a good  American movie with strong christian morals, like Captain America. I could not have been more wrong. I should have paid more attention to Susan B Xenu's article last week on the the movie.

I could not believe that so many parents brought their young children to this movie. It is not a movie for children and will almost certainly damage them. Here are the top 5 ways that the movie is horrible for children.

They Kill God
You read that right. They literally kill God. In the movie the main character, named Peter is the son of God. Peter is no Christ though. They go to the planet where God lives (aka heaven) the liberal unamerican atheist writers reveal that God has a plan for the Universe and Peter and his friends decide that they are going to go against him and will kill God.

This is horrible. It teaches children that God is bad and that you shouldn't believe in him because it is easy to kill him. Do you want your child to be an atheist and eventually burn in hell?

Lots of Murders
There is a smurf guy in the movie that has a magic arrow that flies around as he whistles. As he does so the arrow flies through people as if a magic bullet, killing people. I could not tell you how many people are killed in this movie in this fashion. It is horrible. At one point in the movie as the arrow kills people their lifeless bodies rain down. Is this something you want your children to see?

More Murders!
Then in another scene in the movie, people are thrown out of a space ship into open space, where they die from the vacuum of space! This is horrible. Do you want your children seeing people gasping for air in the emptiness of space before they finally succumb to the frigid temperatures of nothingness?

Even MORE Murders!
There is a foul mouthed squirrel in the movie that runs around killing people. He shoots them. He blows them up. He makes explosives. The whole time the kids are loving it. Because animal characters are usually found in safe children's cartoons. But this is not safe. This is reckless. This is cold blooded murder.

There is a scene where there is a walking skeleton that walks around and slowly rebuilds it's body, shot by shot adding more flesh and meat to it's body. I found it quite disgusting, I could only imagine how scarring and damaging it would be to a young child to see this,

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